Our bread and butter has been understanding the purchase decisions, product and service preferences and motivational drivers of hunters, recreational shooters, anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts, information that is not easy for businesses to obtain without custom market research. But Southwick Associates has invested in tools and methods that allow for quick access to common market insights on these very consumers.

In fact, we have organized and operate proprietary hunting, shooting and angling sportsman panels that we survey regularly to track participation, equipment purchases, and outdoor media consumption (magazine, TV, website, social media). From this surveyed information, we can offer a variety of top-line reports—available by subscription or single-report purchase—that offer detailed profiles of the participation motivators and purchase habits of consumers in a number of specific sporting activities.

Deeper insights into market trends and cycles are available from the data captured over the years through our HunterSurvey, ShooterSurvey and AnglerSurvey panels.  Obtaining access to this data compiled and analyzed by Southwick is a common starting point for companies wanting to understand more about participation trends, favored brands and the preferred outdoor media of consumers. Click here for a look at the type of information these hunting, shooting & angling research reports can offer.

Hunting, Shooting & Angling Research

Hunting, Shooting & Angling Research
