Designing Better Hunting and Fishing Licenses and Prices: Approaches Employed by Southwick Associates

Best practices in fishing licenses photoLicense revenues are a primary source of funding for virtually all fish and wildlife agencies. Did you know that Southwick can actually help your agency increase revenues? We have helped dozens of agencies do just that by applying scientific techniques to analyze current license sales to identify those license fees that can, or should be increased to optimal prices. We also can help design new licenses and license packages to increase revenues even further.

There are two basic questions to ask when restructuring your licenses:
1) Are your current licenses under (or over) priced? and
2) Do your current licenses best serve customers’ needs, or are new options (such as combos, multi-year options, etc.) preferred?

We generally offer two basic approaches to answer these questions. The first is a statistical regression approach that uses historical sales data and other information to determine if your current licenses are over- or under- priced, and the change in revenue your agency should expect at proposed new price points. The second approach uses advanced statistical surveying techniques to determine which new types of licenses would boost your annual revenue. These approaches are refined based on each agency’s unique needs and circumstances, and results are presented using interactive “what if?” pricing tools.

Please contact Rob Southwick at to discuss which analytical approach would best suit your agency’s needs. You can also click here to view a free two-page document, which provides a detailed explanation of the services that we offer to help states improve their license sales and revenues.
