Explore Q2 Hunter, Angler, and Sport Shooter Purchasing

Our most recent quarter of the HunterSurvey/ShooterSurvey and AnglerSurvey asked about activities and purchases from April-June.

For anglers, we explored what factors may affect fishing equipment purchases. Nearly half of respondents (48.1%) indicated that inflation was driving fewer purchases. Economic uncertainty was also a top reason for purchasing less fishing equipment.

For hunters and recreational shooters, we asked about their relative feelings of safety compared to three months ago and a year ago. Nearly one-third of respondents (30.5%) feel less safe now than they did compared to a year ago, a factor which may continue to drive firearm purchases.

Each quarterly and annual report provides participation information, brands purchased, price paid, type of store for a wide range of sportfishing, hunting and shooting products. The entire HunterSurvey/ShooterSurvey and AnglerSurvey reports are available for purchase. For more information, please contact Nancy@SouthwickAssociates.com
